Thursday 8 July 2021

term 2 reflection blog post

This is Carlos in room 8 and I am reflecting on Kauri team sports. Yesterday we had Kauri Sports. We played Number hockey with room 23 in the Hall we had plastic hockey and some other people had a wooden hockey bat. Me and my Best friends got called and my friend Dayton hit the ball to me and the i hit it and got a goal. THE END will do a part to BLOG YA LATER YA'LL Carlos


  1. Thanks for this post, Carlos - an interesting choice for your highlight of the whole term. What will Part Two cover? What other supporting details could you add? What is Kauri Team Sports and who participates? Try cover all important ideas for your readers!

    What did you like about the game?

  2. thank you for the feed back Mr

  3. Hi Carlos.
    I like your blog post because you talked about last term and what you did. Number hockey is fun. I like it when you have the ball and smash it as hard as you can into the goal, that is the fun part for me.
    What is the most fun thing you did in term 2?

    Blog Ya LATER!


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